Saturday, October 25, 2008


This is the second of my (now) three blogsites. One is updated regularly with musings, poetry, quotable quotes, and other items designed to challenge, encourage, bless.

Having given it some thought, I've decided to use this one simply for the audio messages that were, previously,on the first one at

Perhaps at a later date, I'll get around to adding, on this site, some sermon notes/outlines that others are welcome to use in the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus, the Christ.

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The Unanswerable Question (Live from Dykehead Mission, 20-03-2011)

To me, to live, is Christ (Live from Liberty Community Church, 30-08-2009)

The Road to Emmaus


Amen (Live from Coatbridge Baptist Chuch: 23-10-2011, a.m.)

Shalom (Live from Coatbridge Baptist Church: 23-10-11 p.m.)

Hallelujah! (Live from Coatbridge Baptist Church: 30-10-11 a.m.)

Selah (Live from Coatbridge Baptist Church: 30-10-11 p.m.)

The price is paid

What is a Christian?

What is the Church? (Live from Coatbridge Baptist Church; 01-11-09 p.m.)

The man God uses

Prayer (Live from Coatbridge Baptist Church: 10-10-2010 a.m.)

The Doctrine of the Trinity

The Letter to Ephesus, in The Revelation of Jesus Christ, given to John

The Letter to Smyrna, from The Revelation.

The Letter to Pergamum, from The Revelation.

The Letter to Thyatira, from The Revelation

The Letter to Sardis, from The Revelation

The Letter to Philadelphia, from The Revelation

The Letter to Laodicea, from The Revelation.